Global report on sustainable urban development (South Asia, UNHABITAT/UNESCO)
Year: 2018
Status: Completed

Project Overview
This project involved the creation of a global report on culture for sustainable urban development in South Asia, in collaboration with UNHABITAT and UNESCO. My contribution specifically focused on analyzing trends, threats, and opportunities related to culture and sustainable urban development in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Iran. The report explores the role of culture in sustainable urban development, analyzing trends, threats, and opportunities in different regional contexts. It presents a global picture of urban heritage conservation and the promotion of cultural and creative industries as a basis for sustainable urban development.
The report emphasizes that cities have become more diverse due to increased migration, requiring management of cultural diversity to overcome societal fissures. It also highlights the growing awareness of urban heritage and the need for integrated conservation and urban regeneration plans. The report recommends improving the efficiency of urban conservation and regeneration governance through clarified responsibilities, decentralization of competences, and civil society participation.
You can access the full report here: UNESCO Report.